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来源:交大新闻网 日期:2020-02-13 19:50 浏览量:


环太平洋大学联盟秘书长克里斯多弗·特雷姆万(Christopher Tremewan)在致王树国校长来信中写道:“我代表环太平洋大学联盟,表示对您和西安交通大学在此困难时刻的挂念。我们很荣幸有西安交通大学成为联盟的一员。我们共同应对包括国际公共卫生紧急事件和校园安全等全球挑战的过程中,贵校的参与和伙伴关系发挥了重要作用。”(On behalf of APRU, we want to let you know that our thoughts are with you and the entire Xi’an Jiaotong University community during this difficult time. We are very fortunate to have you as a valued member of APRU. Your perspective and partnership are instrumental as we work together to tackle global challenges, including addressing imminent global health and campus safety issues.)

意大利米兰理工大学校长费鲁乔·瑞斯塔(Ferruccio Resta)在中英双语来信中写道:“尽管有时候这些困难看起来很难解决,我们坚信在中国政府的领导下和世界卫生组织的支持下,你们会攻克这个严峻的形势。对中国解决该困难所付出的巨大努力和极高重视,世界各国都有所了解。我代表米兰理工大学致信您,希望给这个暂时的黑暗带来无限的希望,并带给你继续战斗的力量……中国加油!”

美国圣路易斯华盛顿大学校长安德鲁·D·马丁 (Andrew D Martin) 在致校友和合作伙伴邮件中写道:“向你们致以新年问候。我的来信是想表达对你们自己、你们的家庭以及整个中国的深度关切,因为我知道你们正受到新型冠状病毒的影响。我们一直惦记着你们,如果在这个时期我们能够做或者能够提供支持的,请随时告诉我们。”(New Year Greetings for you. I share this message today out of deep concern for you, your families, and the entire country of China as you experience the impact of the novel coronavirus. Please know that our entire community here in St. Louis has been thinking about you, and please don’t hesitate to reach out if there is anything we can do to be supportive during this time.)

埃及本哈大学校长伽马·埃尔萨伊德(Gamal Elsaeed)在致王树国校长来信中写道:“本哈大学信任中国政府为控制疫情蔓延采取的措施,并让我们的学生与贵校国际处保持联系。我们感佩贵校做出的工作及信息公开,我们也感佩中国的科研人员能够及时公开病毒基因组以便全世界的科研人员能够携手合作,共同研制疫苗。本哈大学珍视与贵校的友谊,若能尽力提供协助支持,倍感荣幸。我们对中国能够赢得这场抗击疫情的战斗并造福世界充满信心。”(BU trusts the measures taken by health authorities in China to control the spread of virus and asked our students keep in contact with your international office and follow the instructions. We greatly appreciate your efforts and transparency. We greatly appreciate the great efforts of Chinese researchers, who quickly released the virus’genome in order to aid the work of other scientists worldwide in coming up with a vaccine. Since BU is proud of the friendship with your university, we would be honored to help you in any way that we can. We are confident that China has the capability to win the battle against the epidemic and save the world. )


韩国仁川大学校长赵东成(CHO Dong-Sung)来信中表示:“我们将尽我所能提供我们的帮助。仁川大学同仁将与您同在并将保持我们的友谊,因为患难见真情。我坚信中国是一个强大的国家,有足够的能力控制并最终消灭疫情,在此过程中,中国将在不远的将来变得更加强大。希望您和学生安全,希望这场危机尽快结束。”(We will do whatever we can to assist you so that you can come out of the troubles. We will do whatever we can as your true friends, as a friend in need is a friend indeed. All of the INU family stand by you and would like to share a close bond of friendship. I do believe that China is a strong country enough to able to control and eventually eliminate the virus and emerge stronger in the very near future. I hope that you and your students would stay safe and that the worst of the crisis would soon be over.)





