24月16日—4月23日,应能源与动力工程学院所属核科学与技术学院王盛教授、胡华四教授之邀,日本理化学研究所(RIKEN)中子技术组高级研究员(Senior Scientist)竹谷篤(Atsushi Taketani)博士来校进行学术访问与交流,并分别于17日和22日下午作了题为“Accelerator-driven compact neutron source and fast neutron imaging”和“Radiation detector basics and neutron/gamma detection”两场精彩的学术报告。报告中竹谷篤博士强调了小型加速器中子源建设的必要性和重要意义,详细介绍了理化所小型加速器中子源RANS设计和性能参数,并对中子照相实验结果进行了展示。此外,竹谷篤博士对辐射探测器,尤其是中子探测器进行了深入浅出的介绍。报告会现场座无虚席,甚至有师生站着听完整场报告。报告结束后,师生们就报告中的具体问题和竹谷篤博士进行了深入而热烈的讨论。

Dr. Taketani简介:
Dr. Taketani received his Phd in 1990 from Physics Department of Hiroshima University. From 1990 to 1994, he worked in Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, USA as a Post-Doctoral fellow. After that he came back to Japan, and worked in RIKEN, SPring-8 Center as Research Scientist until 1997. Then he moved to RIKEN Radiation Laboratory and got Senior Scientist position in 1999.During the 10 years of working in Radiation Laboratory, he stayed at Brookhaven National Laboratory from 1998 to 2003. In 2009 he became team leader of Detector Team in RIKEN Nishina Center and from 2013 he started to work in RIKEN Neutron Beam Technology Team as Sub Team Leader. From 2010, he became professor of Rikkyo University-RIKEN Joint Graduate School. Dr. Taketani is professional in radiation detector development and neutron imaging system development. During his research career, he has made great academic contributions to the fields.